Monday, May 30, 2011

Man Hunt Called Off

The experiences that I have had with the male species while in NC has been enough to start a drama television series. . .and I haven't even been here a full year yet! Some of my friends think I am "reaching" for a man. Does accepting offers to meet new people in a new place really qualify as "reaching"? I didn't think so. I am just tired of having a sole friend to do everything with. . .we don't want to exhaust each other! We need to enlarge our circle. . .at least take on a third musketeer. But our search for one has come up empty thus far and the odds of us finding one look pretty sad. This weekend alone has made me think that life as a hermit would be time well spent.

Let's start with Friday. I accepted an invitation to a dinner/movie date. I didn't know a dinner/movie date could turn out so awful! Here is the itemized deduction list of the evening:
1. I arrived and he wasn't ready.
2. A turn of events led me to have to pay for myself.
3. I was expected to be around smoke despite knowing my distaste for it.
4. A gun was brought into the picture. . .and apparently was coming with us to the movies (for 'protection' not coercion!)
5. My dog sitter called and I had to cancel plans (btw, I waited 2 hours for these plans to even get rolling).
6. After all of this, HE felt that dating just wasn't worth it. . .???
The recurring question is "Where do I find these guys?" I would like to propose and amendment to that question: "Why do these guys find me??"

On to Saturday. I went out to visit my cousin who is a professional athlete (minor league baseball -- Go Mudcats!! LoL). I was excited to see him as well as try to catch me a baller LoL. Unfortunately, most of his teammates are married/have kids. Oh well. The night was still young and we had plans to go to downtown Raleigh. My cousin, a true gentleman, paid for everything that night: food, drinks, club cover, more drinks. No questions asked. He even said the golden words: "What are you bringing money for? You know you don't need to bring that!" I had a great time except for one thing: He's my cousin. I have been here for almost a complete year and have yet to experience this with a NC man. I don't believe they exist here.

On to Sunday. As I sat alone with my dogs thinking about my experiences, I came to a dismal realization: I just might be single for a very long time. I saw my life flash like this:
1. I spend 4+ years in NC working on my PhD and find no man in the meantime to fulfill my expectations of a man.
2. I get my PhD well before I am 30! Yay! Downside: dating gets 10 times worse because I now have a title and I am not even 30.
3. I better start getting used to the idea of being a single mother. Bigger downside: dating is now obsolete for a good 15 or so years.
4. I turn 50 and I am single.

It's not my dream in life to be single forever. However, life can still be wonderful even if it turns out this way. Plenty of marriages don't last. The upside: I didn't have to go through a terrible marriage followed by a nasty divorce to end up at the same place many other people will!

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